Wholesale of fertilizers and agrochemical products
Moscow oblast
Voskresensk city
1 Zavodskaya st., office 3
We deliver in Russia and for export
We are owners and producers of raw materials
Non-chlorine potassium-phosphorus fertilizer
Natural native sorbent
Feed additive for farm animals
You increase the profitability of production by increasing the volume and quality of the crop
Heads of agricultural enterprises
Purification of water and land
from pollution, ecology
Glauconite copes with the detoxification of lands contaminated with oil products, heavy metals

Cleans railway tanks, containers and other containers from the remnants of transported substances

Absorbs salts of heavy metals (copper, lead, zinc, etc.), oil and oil products, radionuclides, toxins, pesticides and other toxic compounds.
Used as a feed additive. Improves metabolic processes, increases digestibility and assimilation of feed, reduces the concentration of ammonia, mycotoxins and other toxic components

In birds, it regulates the ratio of calcium and sodium and improves the supply of iron to the body.

The introduction of glauconite into water bodies accelerates the growth rate and increases the weight of fish fry.
Improves soil structure, prevents nutrient runoff, retains moisture, stimulates growth, reduces plant disease.

Increases potato yield
and sugar beet up to 30%

Improves soil structure by increasing its water permeability, which is especially important on heavy soils.
Animal husbandry, poultry farming, fishing
Our company is ready to provide ANY VOLUME of glauconite!
The chemical composition of glauconites varies widely. Glauconite sands should be considered as a multifactorial fertilizer, which allows not only to enrich the soil with potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and trace elements: manganese, copper, zinc, boron, etc., but also to improve its structure, prevent the removal of nutrients, retain moisture, stimulate growth, reduce plant diseases.

In addition, glauconites affect the migration and distribution of toxic elements between soils.
and plants, thereby significantly reducing their concentration in food.
A distinctive feature of glauconite from zeolites is that it has a layered rather than a framework structure. In this case, part of the intramolecular forces is not balanced by the interaction with the ions of chemical elements located in the cavity of one of these layers. These forces can interact with ions of chemicals contained in solutions or air. As a result, they accumulate on the active surfaces of the plates that make up the common crystal.
Glauconite sands attract attention, first of all, by the low cost of the product, high potassium content (up to 9%), the ability to release potassium for a long time in the form of easily digestible compounds, the ability to absorb nuclides, heavy metals and toxicants. The positive effect of the use of glauconites to increase productivity was noted in the works of D. N. Pryanishnikov. The possibility of using glauconites as potash fertilizers was also pointed out by A.N. Engelhardt.

Glauconite has found wide application in various fields of activity. In livestock and poultry farming, glauconite is used as a feed additive.

When glauconite is added to animal litter, sanitary and hygienic conditions are improved (the concentration of ammonia and other harmful gases decreases, unpleasant odors decrease) in livestock buildings. The use of glauconite as a feed additive for pigs has a positive effect on the reproductive functions of sows, large-fruitedness, the safety of suckling pigs, and an additional increase in live weight in the fattening population. So, without the addition of glauconite, the prolificacy averaged 12.2 piglets per sow, and in sows treated with glauconite - 13.8 piglets, or 13.1% more. The safety of piglets from birth to weaning was 76% for the group of piglets that did not receive glauconite, and 93% for those who received it. As a result, the number of piglets at the time of weaning is 42% more.

The use of glauconite in the fattening of young cattle makes it possible to obtain an average daily gain (at a dosage of glauconite of 0.15 g per kilogram of live weight of animals) by 49.3% higher than in animals that did not receive such complementary foods. . additive.
The introduction of glauconite into water bodies has a stimulating effect on the development of phytoplankton, accelerating growth rates and increasing the mass of juve fishnile. Experience has shown that when the same number of peled fry are released into the settling tanks during autumn counting, the number of juveniles in the settling tank with the addition of glauconite turned out to be 54% more than in the settling tank without introduction. . from glauconite. Food was added to both ponds in equal amounts.

Numerous studies and practical applications have established that the use of glauconite as a chlorine-free fertilizer enhances the intensity of reproduction of microflora, which determines soil fertility, increases the yield of grain crops, potatoes and other vegetables. The introduction of glauconite under fodder crops promotes the growth of plants in height, has a positive effect on the accumulation of dry matter by plants, an increase in the content of protein, fat, "crude" protein, and ash elements. Its use in the cultivation of potatoes and sugar beet increases the yield up to 30-55%, while increasing the starch content of potatoes and the sugar content of beets.

The beneficial effect of glauconite on increasing plant productivity manifests itself in different ways. Improves soil structure by increasing its water permeability, which is especially important on heavy soils; Possessing high selectivity towards large cations, glauconite accumulates such important plant nutrients as nitrogen and potassium in the form of bulk cations and absorbs NH3, and then slowly releases them during plant growth, acting as a prolongator.

Mobile forms of fertilizers adsorbed by glauconite are preserved from washing out; losses of ammonium nitrogen are reduced due to nitrification and volatilization.
In field experiments, a positive effect of glauconite on the yield of crops that place high demands on the structural composition of the root layer of the soil and grow poorly on dense, insufficiently aerated, floating and soddy soils has been established. So, on soil with a predominance of silty and silty fractions (92% of particles less than 0.01 mm), the introduction of glauconite increased the yield of corn green mass by 46.5%; The collection of dry matter increased by 73 - 75%, the exchange energy in feed - by 75%. Nutritional value of 1 kg. green mass - 0.15 c.u. without glauconite and 0.18 k.u. against the background of glauconite. (+20%).

In addition, glauconite is used in the purification and regeneration of energy oils, for the preparation of water for boilers and boilers. One ton of glauconite softens 810 cubic meters of water of any hardness by one degree.
The introduction of glauconite into masses for the manufacture of wall ceramic materials by plastic casting makes it possible to obtain products with higher strength characteristics compared to the use of the original unmodified compositions: an increase in the strength of products is 25–28% with a slight increase in density (1.5–8%). Tests carried out by the semi-dry pressing method make it possible to obtain a material with a higher grade (more than 300) and an increase in strength by 50% or more, with an increase in the density of products by no more than 2 times. once. %. In both cases, the optimal dose of the additive in the glauconite composite is 5%.

The use of glauconite as a pigment filler for PVC linoleum has shown its good compatibility with the PVC binder. The optimal content of glauconite in PVC compositions is 50 mass parts per 100 mass parts of PVC. The complete replacement of the traditional filler of PVC compositions with glauconite leads to an improvement in the technological process - melt fluidity increases by 2 times, heat resistance by 50%.

Glauconite is also used in oil desalination and dehydration, as a catalyst, in the purification of food liquids, in food additives and in canning.
Glauconite ore has a clay component known as "green clay". Green clay is used as an aid in many diseases. The mechanism of the therapeutic action of green clay, in addition to thermal and mechanical effects, the metabolism of mineral substances, is (according to biotherapists) in the energy recovery of the body, that is, in the absorption of negative energy emanating from a diseased organ. Green clay is used for physiotherapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis, gout and other joint diseases, rehabilitation after injuries, inflammatory and allergic skin diseases, psoriasis, dermatitis, alleviates the condition and accelerates recovery from pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.
The use of glauconite concentrate in combination with B vitamins gives the following positive clinical effects:

- Increasing stress resistance;
- Pronounced radioprotective properties;
- Removal of heavy metals from the body;
- Immunomodulatory effect;
- Antianemic effect;
- Anti-sclerotic effect;
- Improvement of reproductive function;
- Antitoxic effect;
- Optimization of the functions of the endocrine system;
- Antihypoxic effect;
- Hepatoprotective effect;
- Normalization of lipid, protein and carbohydrate processes;
- Stimulation of regenerative processes;
- Desensitizing effect;
- Increase in the area of biochemical reactions in the intestine (helps to optimize the work of enzymes)
Glauconite ore and the green clay included in it, as well as glauconite flour, due to the rich microelement composition, especially the content of silica, ensure the normal course of metabolic processes in the cell, prevent its aging, and make the skin especially soft and velvety. The use of glauconite flour and green clay allows you to get rid of the capillary network.
The content of phosphorus in each mineral complex is 10%.
3 steps to obtaining natural sorbent and fertilizer
After payment, we carry out delivery by freight transport, railway wagons.

Factory pickup available.
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It contains almost all macroelements and microelements necessary for grapes
Slightly soluble in water
Reduces and prevents soil salinization, absorbs toxic and harmful compounds
Does not contain harmful fluorine compounds, promotes better growth and development of young shoots
The term of effective action with a single application is 5 years.
shoot growth and maturation
the number and diameter of the roots of the lower node
output of standard seedlings
survival rate of cuttings
Glauconite is a nutrient substrate that improves the quality of grape planting material due to:
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Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 5005070064
Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) 500501001
Russian Business and Organization Classification (OKPO)
Moscow oblast
Voskresensk city
1 Zavodskaya st., office 3
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